Blinker car subscription rebranded as Loopit, and the company has big plans

Australian car subscription company Blinker has rebranded as it plans to launch itself as an international player under the brand Loopit.
The company has a new logo to accompany the new name, and founding brothers Michael and Paul Higgins have plans to expand the program beyond Australian borders.
Loopit is planning an expansion beyond its current operation bases in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia - the company is aiming to launch in New Zealand, South Africa and the Middle East.
The deals in those countries are apparently “being inked in the coming weeks”, but the Blinker strategy - and therefore the Loopit plan - is to operate within dealerships to allow those companies an additional income stream, while also allowing potential users to see the stock before making a decision on what car they want to sign up for a subscription to.
The cloud-based software setup allows an opportunity for car dealerships and OEMs to offer subscription services to consumers. Even other brands of subscription services - HelloCars, for instance - uses the back-end setup, and Loopit claims there has been a “52 per cent increase in enquiries from dealerships wanting to integrate subscriptions into their business”.
"The COVID-19 pandemic saw new car sales at an all-time low, and led to increased interest in subscription from dealerships wanting additional revenue. Our technology has already proven a success across Australia, and we’re excited to bring this innovative solution to dealer partners overseas," said Michael Higgins, co-founder and managing director at Loopit.
"As a brand, Loopit ties more closely to the technology behind our offering, while Blinker was specifically automotive inspired. We are exploring the opportunity to expand beyond cars, to be the primary solution for subscription mobility more widely, and we now have a name to suit."