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What value can I expect when selling my 2010 Holden Berlina International Wagon?

Asked by Dylan

What sort of value am I looking at to sell my 2010 Holden Berlina International wagon that currently needs a timing chain replaced?

Answered by CarsGuide

21 Feb 2023 David Morley

I've personally seen a car just like this one with the same timing chain problem given away to a good home on the basis that fixing the engine problem was going to cost more than the car was worth. However, that was before the price-spike of a couple of years ago, and these cars are now worth more than they were back then.

Stretched timing chains in this engine are very common, and plenty of specialists have sprung up offering to change the timing chains for around the $2000 mark. If you have this work done, make sure the repairer uses the upgraded timing chain design which, hopefully, will stop the problem recurring.

In good running order, your Commodore wagon would be valued at somewhere between $5000 and $10,000 (depending on condition and mileage) but in its current state, the cost of repairs plus the hassle of buying a car needing lots of work is probably a deal breaker for a lot of buyers. Perhaps having the work done and then trying to sell it would make a better business case.

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